Making life easier for dyslexia

by TheloniousMac - May 15, 2021
I love the way that you have broken the words down into syllables. Many children with dyslexia have difficulty using their auditory discrimination skills to listen to syllables, so the way that they are visually presented here, I believe will be very helpful. I particularly love the way that you use colour to accentuate the visual patterns of the phonics. This is wonderful to help children's visual memory, so they can transfer this knowledge to both reading and spelling experiences. The way that you have taught suffixes through the story will be very useful to me, as this is what we are working on at the moment. The graphics are colourful and simple, I'm sure the animations will appeal to children whose attention can be easily distracted. The use of environmental print, for example "train station" encourages children to be aware of print in everyday life, I'm liking the integrated way that irregular are used at the bottom of the page, this enables a teacher or parent to play matching games, or simple identification in games like eye spy. The display of words before the story begins, allows the adult to practice some rapid naming speed games with children, and it also allows for them to gain exposure of the words before, during and after reading. The printable games that you offer at the end, I'm sure will be excellent in reinforcing the ai, ay sounds. The suggestions that you have made to help children spell and read successfully, in a clear and integrated way for busy carers is commendable.